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 Me... and you

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4 posters

Posts : 117
Join date : 2008-04-03
Age : 32
Location : Norway

Me... and you Empty
PostSubject: Me... and you   Me... and you EmptyWed May 28, 2008 11:47 am

I finally got my hands on a comp, but it's even worse than my old one, so I can't log on GW Sad
Anyway, now I'm gonna tell you the story of why I haven't been playing anything but Super Mario 64 on my Nintendo 64.

I woke up friday morning. "YES! No school today and I'm getting my new comp!!" I thought to myself. Then I did what I usually do in the mornings, go to the toilet, eat breakfast and brush my teeth.
Finally I went to the store to buy Age of Conan. I was at the mall a bit early, Spaceworld hadn't opened yet. For a few seconds I stood there, wondering if I could afford AoC if I bought a coke. I took a chance. It tasted better than ever. At about 10:03 am Spaceworld opened. I went in (first guy who entered), took a look at the PC games, but it wasn't there! I looked around. Almost 2 minutes had gone when I heard some guy ask for Age of Conan. Apparently he hadn't preordered it, and neither had I. Next thing I did was to go up to the seller-guy. Age of Conan is 18+, and I'm not even 16 yet, so I was wondering if he'd let me buy it. "I'm off from school today, so I went to but it for a friend of mine," would be my excuse if I was not allowed to buy the game. The dude must've been either really bad at telling people's ages or he didn't care who buys what games, cause I had absolutely no trouble at getting it.
Now it was time to go home to wait for this guy I know to build the computer and install it. He was late. I had not seen him till it was like 18 O' clock, and he was meant to come here right after work, which is at 16 O' clock. But he came, luckily. He had just fallen asleep, just like he always does. We built the PC, installed windows XP, but when we installed a driver... the file /windows/system32/config/default was either missing or corrupt. At first I thought this would be a minor problem, but it doesn't seem like it is. We tried to google it at a different comp and everything, but every time we tried to install a driver, any but the sound-card one, we got the same message.
This went on till Saturday. We had spent all frickin friday and saturday to fix this, but we had to send the motherboard back to try to find out if it was broken or something. Now I'm still waiting for response from the folks who're going to check it.
And sunday I went to a friend's place, at monday i didnt do jack shit, same at tuesday and today. Though I did play some Super Mario Razz

So that's why I haven't been on GW or the forum. Now I'm just hoping the motherboard is the problem, and that it'll arrive soon, VERY soon.

Anyways, I'm wondering how you guys are doign and if [ES] still is alive, hope to hear something from ya Wink
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X Fair X

X Fair X

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Join date : 2008-04-06
Age : 31
Location : Belgium

Me... and you Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me... and you   Me... and you EmptyWed May 28, 2008 11:57 am

man that really sucks hope u get i fixt really soon
and yah we are still alive ,many leavers tough Sad
and master wont come online till u are back xD (or something like that Razz)

plz come back soon alk we all miss u very much :'(

kingly greetz X Fair X king
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Join date : 2008-04-24

Me... and you Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me... and you   Me... and you EmptyWed May 28, 2008 3:18 pm

what was it again 60 days of inactivity and the oldest officer becomes guild leader?
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Posts : 117
Join date : 2008-04-03
Age : 32
Location : Norway

Me... and you Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me... and you   Me... and you EmptyThu May 29, 2008 6:55 am

Pjanssen wrote:
what was it again 60 days of inactivity and the oldest officer becomes guild leader?

lol Wink
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2008-04-23

Me... and you Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me... and you   Me... and you EmptyThu May 29, 2008 11:27 am

yeah some people are leaving and shit...
But ive been recruiting, leader said he might kick us-coz were inactive :O
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