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 Fair for moderator xD -accepted

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2 posters

fair for forum moderator
1.) yes
Fair for moderator xD -accepted I_vote_lcap0%Fair for moderator xD -accepted I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
2.) no
Fair for moderator xD -accepted I_vote_lcap20%Fair for moderator xD -accepted I_vote_rcap
 20% [ 1 ]
3.) let ALK decide :P
Fair for moderator xD -accepted I_vote_lcap80%Fair for moderator xD -accepted I_vote_rcap
 80% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 5

X Fair X

X Fair X

Posts : 41
Join date : 2008-04-06
Age : 31
Location : Belgium

Fair for moderator xD -accepted Empty
PostSubject: Fair for moderator xD -accepted   Fair for moderator xD -accepted EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 11:05 am

well ya like the title says i would lik to become a moderator for this forum if thats alright for ALK ^^
maybe not am becoz we dont have that much members on the forum but maybe in the future Wink

i'm everyday online on my pc and the first thingi do is watch this forum (or the amp forum Razz)
except when i'm on vacation or got some lame punishment from my parents Sad
i'm friendly Very Happy mature and my english is pretty good (atleast my friend said it is)
EDIT: (so lame i forgot about this :s) i wanna keep the forum safe so no badmouthing or what so evr Smile

friendly grtz : X Fair X
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mastar of warrior

Posts : 82
Join date : 2008-04-05

Fair for moderator xD -accepted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fair for moderator xD -accepted   Fair for moderator xD -accepted EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 6:57 am

cant say yes or no for this one actually.
(i wouldnt mind being moderator either=])
but for now , i dont think its needed really.
sometimes it feels needed though =]
but yeah , i would like to be moderator too , so , up to you alk Razz
Maybe not give full admin rights but like move/delete topic
Edit/delete posts
edit topic titles , stuff like that could be given to more ppl (or the officers xD)

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Fair for moderator xD -accepted
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