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 What it means to be a survivor

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4 posters
Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

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What it means to be a survivor Empty
PostSubject: What it means to be a survivor   What it means to be a survivor EmptySun Apr 27, 2008 8:36 am

Took a picture of my ele while getting Dunes of Despair ran for me xD
What it means to be a survivor
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What it means to be a survivor Empty
PostSubject: Re: What it means to be a survivor   What it means to be a survivor EmptyTue May 06, 2008 9:31 am

lol, been ages since i was there, wierd part of the game
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Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

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PostSubject: Re: What it means to be a survivor   What it means to be a survivor EmptyWed May 07, 2008 12:01 pm

yup, also a bit boring i think... especially if your getting it ran xD the only thing i like is the Doppleganper... or whatever his name is...
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PostSubject: Re: What it means to be a survivor   What it means to be a survivor EmptyWed May 07, 2008 12:33 pm

Crystal Desert sure is boring Razz But Doppelganger (that's how ya spell it) is fun to beat the crap out of, especially in HM Wink
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What it means to be a survivor Empty
PostSubject: Re: What it means to be a survivor   What it means to be a survivor EmptyThu May 08, 2008 1:23 am

Desert aint so bad imo. I like it
Cept for Elona Reach in HM... Failed that one 3 times >.<
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