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 Finland to the world?

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3 posters
Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

Posts : 98
Join date : 2008-04-24
Age : 30
Location : Turku, Finland

Finland to the world? Empty
PostSubject: Finland to the world?   Finland to the world? EmptyWed May 07, 2008 12:33 pm

So im intrested in hearing the opinion and thoughts about finland and its achievements and ANYTHING you know about finland... so for example post the bands and athletes you know and what kind of an image have you got about finland... just curious Razz
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Age : 31
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Finland to the world? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finland to the world?   Finland to the world? EmptyWed May 07, 2008 12:38 pm

Finland has some of the best music in the world. Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius and Children of Bodom (I don't really listen to Children of Bodom) are some of the great bands that are Finnish
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Age : 35

Finland to the world? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finland to the world?   Finland to the world? EmptyWed May 07, 2008 12:55 pm

Well I live there so.. yeah. lol
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Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

Posts : 98
Join date : 2008-04-24
Age : 30
Location : Turku, Finland

Finland to the world? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finland to the world?   Finland to the world? EmptyWed May 07, 2008 1:24 pm

Alk wrote:
Finland has some of the best music in the world. Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius and Children of Bodom (I don't really listen to Children of Bodom) are some of the great bands that are Finnish
you forgot Hurriganes Hanoi rock ^^
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Finland to the world? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finland to the world?   Finland to the world? Empty

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