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 Your way to make money

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Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

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PostSubject: Your way to make money   Your way to make money EmptyWed May 07, 2008 1:29 pm

so, I've heard ALOT of different ways to make money, so lets share our favorite ways to make money? might even be helpful to some^^ my favorite is A/E solo raptors HM, It's a great way to build up my identification amount and i keep getting +30hp mod for swords... also i really like greater sage blade skin Razz also lately i got 4 black dyes during ONE DAY O.o that was the first time i got a black dye in my 25 or so months of GW O.o and i got 4... in like 2 hours x/ and to ppl who are not intrested in wisdom title, sell the unids you get ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Your way to make money   Your way to make money EmptyWed May 07, 2008 1:55 pm

My favorite way of earning money is... Anything that is with a full team in HM, whether it's VQing, FoW or whatever
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PostSubject: Re: Your way to make money   Your way to make money EmptyThu May 08, 2008 1:08 am

I usually make all the money I need from VQ and HM missions, but in weekends with special drops i farm Vaettirs in HM... A LOT! One run (killing the 60 Vaettirs one) takes around 3min when you get good at it. Their drops are really good aswell, you can get 30+ golds in one run(in this case run=bags filled), and yes I actually did get that once^^
Farming Vaettirs also gives you 120+ norn points per 60 Vaettirs, so a progession in that title aswell, in case you don't like to farm solely for norn points (which imo is very boring)
Also used to farm Dcores in HM, but been some times since I've done that
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Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

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PostSubject: Re: Your way to make money   Your way to make money EmptyFri May 09, 2008 11:03 pm

Alanna wrote:
I usually make all the money I need from VQ and HM missions, but in weekends with special drops i farm Vaettirs in HM... A LOT! One run (killing the 60 Vaettirs one) takes around 3min when you get good at it. Their drops are really good aswell, you can get 30+ golds in one run(in this case run=bags filled), and yes I actually did get that once^^
Farming Vaettirs also gives you 120+ norn points per 60 Vaettirs, so a progession in that title aswell, in case you don't like to farm solely for norn points (which imo is very boring)
Also used to farm Dcores in HM, but been some times since I've done that

whats your build? i thought that the run takes more than 3 mins...
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PostSubject: Re: Your way to make money   Your way to make money EmptySat May 10, 2008 1:15 am


Improved the one from wiki a lil as that much inspiration isn't needed, and 3*glyph is pretty useful. And it doesn't take longer than 3min when you get good at it and learn to time the casting correctly
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Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

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PostSubject: Re: Your way to make money   Your way to make money EmptySat May 10, 2008 10:10 am

Alanna wrote:

Improved the one from wiki a lil as that much inspiration isn't needed, and 3*glyph is pretty useful. And it doesn't take longer than 3min when you get good at it and learn to time the casting correctly
where you leave from and where to go?
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PostSubject: Re: Your way to make money   Your way to make money EmptySat May 10, 2008 12:01 pm

I leave from Longeye's Ledge and run all the way to Jaga Moraine. That's where you need the air djin ench. The run can be ran without luring any monsters and is fairly easy. Only hard part about the farm is luring without getting stuck. Runes you need are only sup Earth and earth headgear. Rest actually doesn't matter as long as you have (I think) 38 energy. You need geomancers insignias though, if you don't, some of their hits will dmg you.
When killing em you should only lure some of em at a time, not all 60. I usually start with the 36 vaettirs on the right side of that fireplace thingie where the bear spirit comes from when you're doing Blood Washes Blood
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