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 Alanna Firebrazer's goals

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Posts : 83
Join date : 2008-05-08
Age : 32
Location : Denmark

Alanna Firebrazer's goals Empty
PostSubject: Alanna Firebrazer's goals   Alanna Firebrazer's goals EmptyThu May 08, 2008 12:26 am

Thought I'd make a list of my goals too:)

GWAMM: 16/30

Holy Lightbringer: Maxed
Legendary Spearmarshal: Maxed
Protecter of Tyria, Cantha and Elona: Maxed
Legendary Guardian: HM Tyria and Cantha Maxed, Elona 1/20
Legendary Cartographer: Maxed
Legendary Skill Hunter: Maxed
Legendary Vanquisher: Cantha, maxed, Tyria 11/54, Elona 0/34
Party Animal: 1076 points so far
Sweet Tooth: Aroun 350 points
Wisdom: 757/10000
Treasure Hunter: 265/10000
Slayer of All: At about 39k points
Legendary Delver: 119k points
Not Too Shabby: about 30k points
Secret Agent, around 28k points
Legendary Master of the North: 275 points
Hero R3: 112 points
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Alanna Firebrazer's goals
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