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 Join [SMS]?

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3 posters

Should we join [SMS]
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Age : 33
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PostSubject: Join [SMS]?   Join [SMS]? EmptyFri May 16, 2008 8:48 am

Well, I wasn't really sure where to put this, but as I see it as an improvement, I decided that I'd post it here.
I'm suggesting that we find a new alliance. The we're in right now is mainly just farming, farming and some more farming. Of course some might find that good, but it becomes boring eventually, and they do nothing but Ursan. I've never had AC turned off as much as since I've gotten into this guild. It's a good thing they're active, but some of the talking they do in AC is more like spamming, and all that orange text can get annoying, so the only thing left to do is turn off AC. Therefore I say we join SMS. It's an alliance that fits this guild pretty nicely. Laidback and with daily VQ and stuff like that. One of my friends from GW is in one of the guilds in the alliance, GoE, and he's asked me more than once to join the guild, but as I said no, he asked if the guild wanted to join. So, now I'm asking, should we join the alliance? They've got one slot open, and I told my friend to help keeping it open.

So, what say you?

Of course it's up to Alk in the end, but added a poll to see what you guys want.
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Join date : 2008-04-03
Age : 32
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Join [SMS]? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Join [SMS]?   Join [SMS]? EmptyFri May 16, 2008 9:26 am

If farming is not what you want to do, why would you mention GoE? All they do is DoA, at least when I was there. Besides, if the leader still remembers me, he doesn't like me Wink (I refused to read some rules that were extremely long and got kicked)

Btw, I have decided not to vote, as it is entirely up to the people of the guild whether you want a new alliance or not.
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Posts : 83
Join date : 2008-05-08
Age : 33
Location : Denmark

Join [SMS]? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Join [SMS]?   Join [SMS]? EmptyFri May 16, 2008 10:24 am

Well, dunno if it's the same leader anymore, but my friend in the guild, Akela Xeroxz, has told me about the guild, and from what he says, it's not only DoA, but tons of other things. VQ'd a couple of areas with them aswell. But ofc, there's also a lot of other guild in the alliance. But I dunno... another thing that bothers me in the alliance is that there are four guilds with the [SNOW] tag, what's up with that? It's hard to tell one guild from another if they have the same tag. I dunno what it is that bothers me about the alliance, maybe it's that I've just become used to more rules in AC from AMP, at least when it comes to looking for parties.
Maybe I should also just try giving them a chance, and play with them some more, as long as they don't want me to play Ursan, which may be one of the reasons I don't like them, as I think they will.
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Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

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PostSubject: Re: Join [SMS]?   Join [SMS]? EmptyFri May 16, 2008 11:00 am

Nay for me, dont like GoE Razz was there for a long time... i mean nice guild but... yeah... and yes, all they do is DoA and some FoW x/
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