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 Character names

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Posts : 83
Join date : 2008-05-08
Age : 32
Location : Denmark

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PostSubject: Character names   Character names EmptyTue May 20, 2008 9:15 am

Well, I'm still what you'd call new in this guild (at least if you asked me), and I don't know all of you, and don't even know your chars. I know some of you as I've been playing with some of ya, but I'd like to know who you are in GW. So, post char names:)

Alanna Firebrazer E

Mostly my pvp para so: Moiraine Cujo

War: Kia of the Mountain
Sin: Infinity Shadow (yes I know I made a mistake by that name<.<)
Para: The White Fenghuang
Rt: don't remember that one actually...
Mo: Same with that>.<
R: Same...
D: dunno either...

Got others that I don't remember, but only profs that I haven't got any PvE chars of is Me and N. Never really been good at any of those outside PvP

You turn!
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Avenging Angel Mike

Avenging Angel Mike

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Character names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character names   Character names EmptyTue May 20, 2008 10:36 am

I`m Mike and I play only one character Avenging Angel Mike [P], because I always delete others when I get bored of them to use the nickname for another one (I`m weird so nvm:P). The others are Angel Mike [profession changes often:P] and Mike The Angel [same as Angel Mike]. I always play my paragon, because it`s my favourite character. Before I got Factions and Nightfall I played elementalist Angel Mike in prophecies, but deleted it because I didn`t like haircut anymore (I said I`m weird:P).

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Join date : 2008-04-03
Age : 31
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Character names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character names   Character names EmptyTue May 20, 2008 12:12 pm

I'll just list my characters in a random order, not gonna be too specific...
1. Ranger: Sir Alkathraz
2. Assassin: Sneaky Mole
3. Elementalist: Suspected Arsonist
4. Warrior: Feel Like A Saint
5. Monk: The Nippletwister
6. Necromancer: Sweet Selene
7. Dervish: Screwed It Up Again

8. Random: Random name
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Posts : 11
Join date : 2008-04-24

Character names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character names   Character names EmptyTue May 20, 2008 5:36 pm

Good one for bringing this up. Still have to get my head around the fact that I'm "in" a guild. I have been playing almost a year without a guild so I'm still a rookie at this. But my chars:
main: Faris Lefey (monk)
skill unlocking slut: Tim Rubin (ele)
LDoA: Circum Sage (ele) will stay in the pre (has a lot of stuff he likes to sell)
Random I needed a low level warrior to help my bro tame a black bear in pre: Aliga Thor

Thats all

oh Btw my name is Peter
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Llama Hetfield

Llama Hetfield

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Age : 30
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PostSubject: Re: Character names   Character names EmptyWed May 21, 2008 11:02 pm

im Tourist From Heaven [Mo] or Llama something Razz eg Llama Hetfield Spiteful Llama and so on
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