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 Yes, I want! -invited -left

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2 posters

Posts : 2
Join date : 2008-04-21
Age : 33

Yes, I want! -invited -left Empty
PostSubject: Yes, I want! -invited -left   Yes, I want! -invited -left EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 3:26 pm

Rawr ,

I'd like to join [ES] just because you look rich and I can make profit out of you. j/k

let me introduce myself;

My in-game name is 'Solo Loves Cake' and I've been playing GW for 2,237 hours and 29 minutes ATM.
My last guild became inactive due to personal problems amongst the officers and the guild leader, so I'm looking for a new guild and while reading (half a sleep) trough the GW-Guru forums I noticed you guys (and maybe girls .. I hope so Wink :p ).
I'm 16 years old , from Holland & I'm veryyyy boring (at daytime...).

I'm mainly PvE, and sometimes (1 time a year 10 minutes or so) you can find me in HA, In a few months I'll be in a 'graphical school' so yes, I <3 Photoshopping =]

There's one question from my side: 'Do you play a lot at night?, which doesn't mean only in the weekends' because that's what I'm actually looking for, since my sleeping pattern got pretty much fucked up in my last guild because we had so much fun Smile

~ Solo
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Posts : 117
Join date : 2008-04-03
Age : 31
Location : Norway

Yes, I want! -invited -left Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yes, I want! -invited -left   Yes, I want! -invited -left EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 6:39 am

Define night Razz I play till about midnight-2 am (GMT+1) in the weekends, not sure about other people Wink Haven't really thought about it yet. I'll give you an invite if you want to (and haven't already been invited) later today Smile
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Yes, I want! -invited -left
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