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 PvE'er looking for guild -invited

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PvE'er looking for guild -invited Empty
PostSubject: PvE'er looking for guild -invited   PvE'er looking for guild -invited EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 12:02 pm


Was just price checking on guru when I came across your post. You guys seem pretty much what I'm looking for.

I just have one major character (a monk Farris Lefey) but I'm planning to get as much titles on him as possible. Sadly enough I only have prophecies and eye of the north. Currently I am running proph for skills so I can outfit my hero's. I am trying to be online as much as possible but I can be absent for a week.

Well I am hoping there is a spot for me at least if you want me.

Any Q's just ask in game.

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Posts : 117
Join date : 2008-04-03
Age : 32
Location : Norway

PvE'er looking for guild -invited Empty
PostSubject: Re: PvE'er looking for guild -invited   PvE'er looking for guild -invited EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 2:01 pm

No worries about having only proph and eotn mate, I'll invite you tomorrow if nobody else have already done it Very Happy
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PvE'er looking for guild -invited
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